Intelligence Training and Education
Lifestyle • Culture • Preparedness
Training and education on the intelligence cycle, collection methods, disciplines and analysis for the everyday person. It will include example reports and formats, how to analyze information, conduct open source research and publish the findings. Content will be articles, podcasts, first hand accounts and real world examples of current events. The intent is to have a "how to" of relevant intelligence subjects that anyone can learn.
Interested? Want to learn more about the community?
October 21, 2021
Training Opportunities

How to identify and prepare for intel and other training you may want. This will help both of us out which I explain in addition to what is available

Training Opportunities
Interested? Want to learn more about the community?
What else you may like…
July 03, 2021
How to get your free month of access

How to get your free month
How pricing works
How to view posts
What you can post

May 02, 2021
Search tips and thoughts

Video talking through basic google searches and what to look for, crossreferencing. It is using simple google and Facebook without additional tools

March 31, 2021
1 Million Tweet Map How-To Video

Uploaded to replace the previous "audio-only" podcast

October 30, 2021
Travel Plans, schedules, training
Travel Plans, schedules, training
September 25, 2021
Comments, Questions, My upcoming Schedule

Listen till the end to hear about some training opportunities

Comments, Questions, My upcoming Schedule
September 01, 2021
Updates and Training news
Updates and Training news
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